Tyndale Seminary Pentecostal Studies
The purpose of the Pentecostal Studies program is to educate and equip students who wish to specialize in Pentecostal Studies within the broader evangelical context of Tyndale Seminary. The program is a creative partnership between Master's Pentecostal Seminary and Tyndale Seminary and it offers an integrated program of cognitive, practical and spiritual formation for ministry.
The 18 courses in the program are divided between Master's and Tyndale. The program is open to all persons and is not designed to prepare students for ordained ministry. The primary audience for this program, however, is Pentecostal pastors and lay leaders who desire an opportunity for intensive study of the Pentecostal tradition. For further information, please contact the Coordinator, Dr. Van Johnson.
Degree & Diploma Options
Master of Theological Studies
Concentration in Pentecostal Studies
MDiv, MTS and Graduate Diploma students may use their elective courses to complete a four-course concentration in Pentecostal Studies