Seminary Student Council (TUSSA)

The Tyndale Seminary Student Council serves the Tyndale University Seminary Student Association (TUSSA), to which all current full-time and part-time students belong. The Council is comprised of students who are upper year students at the Seminary. Like the students at Tyndale Seminary, the Council members range in age, gender, race, denomination, degree program, life experience, and work history. The Council represents the Seminary student body and is present to be of service to all seminary students.

According to Section 3 in the TUSSA Constitution, the purpose and duties of the council are:

A. To encourage a healthy spiritual life among Seminary students by creating and/or promoting spiritually stimulating events such as chapels, seminars, prayer meetings.
B. To plan, organize and facilitate recreational and social events/programs for the TUSSA;
C. To refer student inquiries to the appropriate school departments;
D. To represent the institution at academic and school events;
E. To stimulate and participate in those Campus activities and meetings which will further the aims of the Seminary in intercultural endeavors, Biblical teaching, and an active Christian response to the needs of our day.

Email councils [at] tyndale [dot] ca if you have any questions.

TUSSA Student Council Candidates

  • Rebecca Nordquist - President
  • Pearl Hung - SVP Finance and Administration
  • Judah Michael - SVP Operations
  • Daniel Bassey - VP Online Students
  • Dorcas Zhu - VP Communications
  • Richard Qian - VP Intercultural Affairs

Seminary Student Council Application

Seminary Student Council Application Status: Closed