If you are planning on going to further graduate studies, we want to help in any way we can.
We can help determine if Graduate studies is right for you, and which schools you should be looking at. We will be continuing to expand a library of information on graduate schools in the Career Services office in E309. Sometimes figuring out what school is right for you can be tough, so we want to help you make the right choice.
Graduate Theology School
Many of our Biblibal Studies and Theology majors, and Bachelor of Religious Education students may consider graduate studies in theology. There are many schools to choose from both from a denominational perspective, as well as considering what your end goal might be. Using a website search tool like the accrediting body Association of Theological Schools (ATS) can help you narrow down your list.
As well, as a Tyndale undergraduate student, you should consider Tyndale Seminary as there are many advantages for you, should you choose to stay and continue your studies here. The Admissions Office can help you in that process.
LSAT Preparation
Law School has been a popular choice with some Tyndale graduates, who have gone on and been very successful. The first step toward your application into law school is writing the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). From the LSAT website "The test is designed specifically to assess critical reading, analytical reasoning, logical reasoning, and persuasive writing skills — key skills needed for success in law school. The LSAT is the only test accepted for admission purposes by all ABA-accredited law schools and Canadian common-law law schools."
Tyndale students have access to Learnware online courses that have been proven to help with LSAT test scores. Find out more information here: Learnware Store. There are also a number of other LSAT prep courses that you can find with a simple search, or through the LSAT website prep centre.
When you are ready to write the LSAT you can find and book times on the main LSAT website.
GMAT Preparation
Business students may elect to cotniue on in their studies with an MBA or other similar degree. The Graduate Management Admission Test is used for many of these graduate level business programs. You can find out more about the GMAT in the official website.