Your Name *
Your Tyndale Email *
Summary of what needs updating
If you are updating an existing Faculty profile, it would be helpful if you give us a quick summary of what needs to be updated. Please make sure you complete the changes in the form below as well — this will just help us make sure we have all of the details.
- None - Dr. Rev. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss. Prof.
Faculty Status
- None - Full Time Faculty Faculty Emeritus Adjunct Faculty Research Professor Visiting Faculty Administrative Faculty Instructor
Phone Extension
Academic Credentials
These are displayed above the written part of your faculty profile and should include: Degree earned, School and the year of graduation.
Areas of Specialization
Sample: Research Methods, Religion in North America, Sociology of Religion, and Canadian Evangelicalism
Popular Courses
Add some of your popular courses. Please include one course per line.
Favourite Place on Campus
Please describe your favourite place on campus and describe why.
Favourite Place in Toronto
Please describe your favourite place in Toronto and describe why. This could be a restaurant, park, place to hammock, cultural centre...