Christian Stories in the Media

Monday, April 1, 2013

On March 26th, guest speaker Lorna Dueck presented a message called, 'Context Matters: Serving Christ in the Media.' As an experienced media presence, writing religious columns for the Globe and Mail and hosting her own TV Show, Lorna shared from her own experiences. Neil Lamont, a student who attended said that she 'provided thoughtful insight on the role of Christianity in the media.'

She began with her life story and formative years in television. She described her experiences on 100 Huntley Street and the personal struggles that came with it. At one point she said, 'I am in cheesy television and I am cheesy. What kept me there was the prayer line; 1000 calls a day were received from people who needed to pray and many had just come to Christ for the first time.' Lorna showed how today's media largely reflects our secular culture and fails to present the hope offered by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Lorna presented the bleak landscape that Christian programming must face and called out, ‘For those whose hearts beat for the Christian story, they need to jump into media...there is a hunger for this. People want to examine faith through media.'

Lorna Dueck provides an example of such a calling through her work for the Globe and Mail, her previous TV show 'Listen Up' and current TV show 'Context, with Lorna Dueck'. Her presentation revealed that we can create a wholesome culture. She challenged everyone, 'We are living at the crossroads, so how are we going to speak our Christian word into culture?’


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