• Agencies
• Private practice
• Chaplaincy
• Family Ministry in Churches
• Para-church organizations
• Missions
The Master of Divinity in Counselling provides educational preparation for students interested in counselling ministries in congregational settings or in the marketplace. A hallmark of the MDiv Counselling program is a dual focus on theological and psychological understanding of human personhood and the therapeutic process.
Applicants interested in counselling ministries are advised to investigate the accreditation requirements in their area of professional interest (e.g., type of degree, accreditation required, clinical experience needed, registration with a particular professional association, etc.) before enrolling in the MDiv Counselling major. Public and private counselling agencies, as well as denominational pastoral counsellors and chaplains, often have credentialing standards that must be met.
The MDiv Counselling major has two tracks: the Clinical Track and the Pastoral Counselling Track. The tracks are designed to prepare students for differing ministry specializations. Students will need to choose their track upon enrolment. Students wishing to change their track designation should speak to their faculty advisor.
Clinical Counselling Track
The Clinical Track is intended for those who are seeking to become Registered with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) to offer psychotherapy in agencies (secular or Christian) or in private practice.
The training leads toward preparing graduates to practice psychotherapy with clients who are struggling with internal and interpersonal issues that require in-depth, longer-term therapy.
Tyndale Seminary’s MDiv Counselling program provides educational preparation, but not certification, as a counsellor/therapist. Further clinical experience and supervision will be required post-graduation to obtain professional accreditation with a certifying body.
Students who plan to pursue Registration with the College of Registered Psychotherapists (CRPO) or certification with the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) should consult with the faculty advisor early in their program regarding membership criteria.
Students in the clinical track are expected to engage in individual professional counselling for their own personal growth and development.
Ongoing registration in the clinical track is subject to successful annual review of the student’s progress by the counselling faculty.
Pastoral Counselling Track
The Pastoral Counselling Track focuses on short-term pastoral counselling around issues such as family and life crisis and other difficult life circumstances and transitions. Deeper psychotherapy would not be part of this work. Students in this track will have the flexibility to select electives to prepare them for leadership in congregational care and counselling ministries or chaplaincy, but not for careers practicing psychotherapy..