“At Tyndale University, we understand that being an educator is difficult and complicated work,” says Blair Pike, Associate Director, Bachelor of Education Program. “We know that there's often not enough time left at the end of the day to take care of, and be compassionate towards, oneself as an educator. It's with this in mind that we have created HOPE (Holistic, Ongoing Professional Education).”
Additional Qualification (AQ) courses at Tyndale are being created and delivered through the lens of well-being for the educator in the room.
The first AQ course - Mathematics, Primary and Junior, Part 1 - is being offered in the Winter 2024 semester, from January to April. It is designed to provide candidates with a deeper conceptual knowledge and understanding of mathematics.
This introductory course will critically look at and evaluate many of the prevailing theories, constructs and practices on which a sound program in mathematics should be built. It is therefore designed for those educators who would like to deepen their understanding of primary/junior mathematics and how it can be taught in a meaningful way.
It will enable candidates to explore many proven approaches to present the subject in such a way that students in the primary and junior grades will be able to see mathematics as a creative, sense-making and pattern-seeking endeavour. Candidates will be given the necessary strategies and tools to run a differentiated and fully inclusive mathematics program.
This course will explore different ways to address the diversity of the Canadian community. It will also stress how the wise use of concrete materials and rich learning tasks play essential roles in developing a student’s mathematical knowledge and understanding. It is aligned with current Ontario curriculum, relevant legislation, government policies, frameworks, strategies and resources (www.edu.gov.on.ca).
“We invite you to join us as you consider our AQ offerings here at Tyndale University,” says Blair, noting that more courses will be offered in the Spring 2024 semester, from May to August.
Learn More about Additional Qualifications