Tyndale University launches new centre to equip and support Christian entrepreneurs

Tyndale University launches new centre to equip and support Christian entrepreneurs | The Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship will mentor business leaders and world-changers

Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship

As of June 1, 2021, Tyndale University has a new open learning centre: The Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship (CRE). The centre's mission is “to equip, support, and mentor innovators motivated by their faith to shape culture through entrepreneurship.”

"We believe God has a redemptive will for all of His creation, and He invites us all to restore the world that reflects His heart," says Philip Yan, Director. "In speaking with entrepreneurs, many find the road to starting a business lonely, and that it's even harder to be missional. They wish there was a community to support them."

A designer and two-time social entrepreneur, Yan led his company, GenesisXD Inc., to cofound social enterprises to employ persons with barriers to employment, including a recycling company, Red Propeller, and an online coffee business, KLINK® Coffee. This journey helped him understand his mission and how business and social enterprise can be redemptive. Yan also cofounded “Faith and Work Gathering,” a monthly gathering for Christians working in downtown Toronto.

"Our goal is to build a strong network for Christian founders, funders, builders, and educators with restorative imagination. We aim to equip Christian entrepreneurs as culture-shaping catalysts in advancing their ventures."

Philip Yan, Director

The CRE provides a home for Christian entrepreneurs and opportunities to support, mentor and form critical friendship with like-minded leaders.

“We welcome innovators who strive to shape culture and honour Christ through their businesses,” says Dr. Beth Green, Tyndale’s Provost and Chief Academic Officer. “We pray the centre will help entrepreneurs build valuable connections and help them realize they are not alone in their journey to serve the church and the world for the glory of God.”


Learn more about the Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship and join a mailing list for updates