Tyndale University College & Seminary in Collaboration with Ambrose University

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Tyndale University College & Seminary and Ambrose University signed a Memorandum of Understanding that extends from 2017 to 2019. This partnership between the Tyndale Intercultural Ministries Centre (TIM) and the Jaffray Centre for Global Initiatives of Ambrose University aims to strengthen ministries reaching the Greater Toronto Area and Calgary. Particular areas of focus include research of the multicultural church demographics and the use of technology on campus through online courses and live streaming events, as well as expanding the Internet platform of UReachToronto originally developed by the TIM Centre.

Charles Cook (Jaffray Centre) and Robert Cousins (TIM Centre)The TIM Centre equips Canadians to be effective in our diverse, multicultural landscape. By empowering and training the local church, leaders are able to more amply meet the needs of their community. Through the networking, training and research that the TIM Centre provides, churches are able to expand their reach and enhance their knowledge towards effective ministry, both locally and globally. Likewise, the Jaffray Centre is a centre of innovation focusing on intercultural cooperation, research and development. “Our mandate is serving the local church at a non-credit level, but we also speak into helping at the academic level. Our main focus is serving the church in our area and offering resources that are relevant and cutting edge to the local context,” shares Robert Cousins, Director TIM Centre (pictured right, with Charles Cook, Executive Director of the Jaffray Centre, left).

A key service that the TIM Centre offers is a Diploma and Certificate program that focuses on equipping church leaders to engage in missional ministry in a multicultural context. In September, the TIM Centre will be offering a new term of two courses focusing on Missional and Organizational Leadership.

Under the newly launched four-course Certificate in Ministry and Organizational Leadership, in collaboration with Development Associates International and the Tyndale Leadership Centre, the first course will cover the topic of “Servant Leadership: Being the Leader God Wants You To Be.” This program is offered as four Saturday Sessions from September to December 2017.

Under the eight-course Diploma of Foundations in Missional Ministry and Church Leadership, Dr. Narry Santos will be teaching on “Leading Your Congregation in Missional Ministry”. This course is offered as eight Monday evening sessions from September to November 2017.

See the TIM Centre’s page for more Course Details and Online Registration (EventBrite).


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