Tyndale receives Course of the Year Award

Tyndale receives Course of the Year Award

Distributed Learning team: James Robertson, Larry Hopperton, Heidi TanSpecial congratulations to Tyndale’s Distributed Learning team and Dr. Bill Webb on receiving the Association of Christian Distance Education (known as ACCESS) “Course of the Year” award for the online course in Biblical Interpretation. The Office of Distributed Learning includes Dr. Larry Hopperton (Director), Dr. James Robertson, who is also an instructor of Christian History at Tyndale and Heidi Tan. This award was presented at the recent ACCESS Conference at Belhaven University in Mississippi. Dr. Hopperton presented a paper at the conference and received the award on behalf of Tyndale. The focus this year was on accessibility to online education for students with disabilities.

“It’s deeply gratifying to have this external affirmation that not only is our online program accredited but also that we are developing courses that incorporate and exemplify best practices in distributed learning. What’s more, the Distributed Learning Office is committed to developing courses that are compliant with Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) standards. We’re grateful to Larry and his team, and to all the professors, who have taken on the challenge of developing and teaching top-quality online courses that help advance the mission of God at Tyndale,” says Dr. Janet Clark, Senior Vice President Academic and Dean of Tyndale Seminary.

Offering courses online has enabled Tyndale to provide quality higher education to a diverse audience across Canada and across the globe, including countries where Christian education would otherwise be inaccessible. Tyndale has been offering online course options for over a decade and continues to innovate, broaden and ensure accessibility for students. Last year alone, more than a thousand students enrolled in online learning at the seminary.

With ongoing advancements in technology, more and more students are choosing the flexibility of online education. Students find access to resources, quality content and community through engagement with professors and fellow students on this platform. More information about online courses and degree programs offered at Tyndale can be found on the Tyndale Seminary Online site.