Tyndale Launches Centre for Grief and Loss with First Annual Spring Conference

Tyndale Launches Centre for Grief and Loss with First Annual Spring Conference

Two people holding their hands together

Tyndale University, located at 3377 Bayview Avenue in northeast Toronto, is looking forward to the grand opening of its new Tyndale Centre for Grief and Loss on May 7 and 8.

Under the directorship of Dr. L. Keith Taylor, the Centre is “committed to accompanying those who mourn as well being a resource for the church, professionals and the general public; to accompanying the broken-hearted, to affirm and validate their grief journey; and to assisting mourners – not telling them how to feel or think – but leading with compassion and empathy the principles and feelings of grief.”

Dr. Taylor teaches multiple thanatology courses at Tyndale focusing on disenfranchised grief and complicated grief. He is a member of the Association for Death Education and Counselling and is the author of Well-Intentioned People Say Dumb Things: Practical Advice for Comforting Those who are Grieving.

“Embracing Grief with Hope”

In conjunction with the Centre’s grand opening, the two-day event also includes the centre’s first annual spring conference, Embracing Grief with Hope, with Dr. Alan Wolfelt, one of North America’s leading clinical thanatologists. Dr. Wolfelt serves as the Director of the Center for Loss & Life Transition in Colorado and he is the author of more than 80 books on grief and loss for readers of all ages, including Understanding Your Grief.

“Mourning in our culture isn’t always easy,” says Dr. Wolfelt. “Normal thoughts and feelings connected to loss are typically seen as unnecessary and even shameful. Instead of encouraging mourners to express themselves, our culture’s unstated rules would have them avoid their hurt and be strong.

“But grief is not a disease,” he says. “Instead, it’s the normal, healthy process of embracing the mystery of the death of someone loved. If mourners see themselves as active participants in their healing, they will experience a renewed sense of meaning and purpose in life.”

On May 7, at 7 p.m., Dr. Wolfelt will speak on Understanding Your Grief: Touchstones for Hope and Healing. Those in attendance will be helped to understand how loss influences their lives, encouraged to embrace the uniqueness of their grief, and quietly reflect on those feelings of loss. Special attention will be given to those who are presently experiencing grief in their lives. Doors open at 6 p.m.

Beginning at 9 a.m., on May 8, Dr. Wolfelt will conduct an all-day seminar on the topic of When Grief is Complicated: A Model to Understand, Identify and Companion Grievers. While grief after a significant loss is normal and necessary, it sometimes becomes stuck, and outside help is required. Participants will explore the origins of complicated grief, risk factors involved and common symptoms, as well as receiving specific guidance on caring for complicated grievers. Doors open at 8 a.m.

To learn more about the conference, or to register, visit Embrace Hope Conference

More events, activities at the Centre

The Tyndale Centre for Grief and Loss is committed to focus on three areas:

  • Support Groups and Events
    • 8-week Onsite Grief Support Group beginning on September 9, 2024, at 7 p.m.
    • Educational seminars every three months
    • Annual Spring Conference
    • Annual Christmas Community Candlelight Memorial Service
  • Network and Train
    • Grief support group resources for churches
    • Facilitator training with support and resources
    • A variety of venues, educational workshops and seminars
    • A network with Tyndale's Open Learning Centres and the Thanatology Program
  • Serve the Community
    • Accompany the broken-hearted
    • Assist mourners
    • Affirm and validate unique grief journey
    • Actively engage with their grief

For more information on the Centre, visit the Tyndale Centre for Grief and Loss