Tyndale Grieves the Loss of Generations of Indigenous Children

Tyndale Grieves the Loss of Generations of Indigenous Children

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Last week we all learned of the discovery of the remains of 215 children at the site of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School. The realization of this discovery is deeply impacting the Tyndale University community, as it is communities across the country. We know this discovery does not represent an isolated event. Indigenous people have told such stories of many residential schools across Canada and thousands of Indigenous children are believed to have died.

It is difficult to fathom the loss of children across so many generations. What makes this discovery particularly heartbreaking is that Christians should have been the first to affirm that all people are created in the image and likeness of our common Creator. And so, our prayer and desire must be to ensure that we take the actions necessary to demonstrate our commitment to reconciliation, with understanding and respect as we learn to walk well with each other.

On Friday, June 4 at 2:15pm, the Tyndale University community will pause in silence and prayer for 215 seconds to acknowledge this incredible loss and reflect on our opportunity and responsibility to be active participants in reconciliation.

We have much to learn about reconciliation. As you grow in your own understanding there are many resources that can assist you. One example has been published by the University of British Columbia. For those who would like someone to talk to about what you are feeling, Tyndale’s Counselling Services/Family Life Centre is available to you.