Tyndale University has appointed an Advisory Council for Diversity and Inclusion. The council will be co-chaired by a Cabinet member and a staff member; Dr. Barry Smith, Sr. Vice President Academic & Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and Karen Gallimore, Director Campus & Conference Services.
The Tyndale Community joins with Black and all marginalized persons in grieving recent global, national and local events. We seek change not only within our university community but within society at large. Tyndale condemns acts of racism that have taken place and the systemic racism so prevalent in society today.
We stand with our growing Black community of students, staff and faculty. As an educational community we will listen and learn as they help us all understand the issues and share with us their desires, dreams and hopes for a better world. With a student body of over 60 ethnic people groups, Tyndale will also approach the larger concerns of cultural and racial understandings.
As a Christian university, Tyndale is uniquely positioned to engage, educate and address this deep, prevalent issue. In the coming weeks the council will provide direction for how, as a community, we will become educated on the issues and develop ways to move forward for change.
The Advisory Council membership will consist of a faculty member from the Undergraduate Studies, B.Ed. and Seminary, three staff persons, three student representatives, a Student Development representative, a representative from the Black Educators of Tyndale (BET) and a representative from the Centre for Academic Excellence (CAE).
Tyndale Forms Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council