Tyndale is pleased to announce a new collaboration in publishing with the Canadian Bible Society (CBS) under the imprint Tyndale Academic Press. This new venture brings publications that are geared toward engaging faith and society to a broad readership.
In the world of academics, empirical driven studies tend to be the mainstream published works. With Tyndale Academic Press, community-based research will have a platform where such themes as community engagement and the mission of the church can be shared. Community-based research is a participatory approach that involves equal partnership with members of the core population of a study to help foster positive social change. Faculty and students within many of our academic disciplines, including international development, psychology, education, economics, music and the Doctor of Ministry Program, will have the opportunity to publish their research through this new avenue.
“The advent of the Tyndale Academic Press with a focus on practical ministry is a welcome opportunity to make some of the Doctor of Ministry students’ research accessible to the larger Christian community. My own research with the Tyndale Intercultural Ministry (TIM) Centre explores the interaction between immigrants and the Canadian church and the practical steps that can be taken to encourage dialogue and mutual ministry among these groups. Tyndale Academic Press will be an ideal location to share some of this research,” notes Dr. Mark Chapman, Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program and Associate Professor of Research Methods.
Partnership is an important part of how Tyndale interacts with our world today. Whether working alongside denominations, leaders in research or experts in a particular field, Tyndale strives to strategically engage our culture and bring excellence to each cooperative enterprise. The CBS is the newest affiliation in keeping with this theme as it also endeavours to expand its own ministry by providing a pathway for engagement.
“This collaboration really provides Tyndale with a vehicle for professors and students to publish their works that could have an impact on Canadian civil society and the church in the way we engage the community,” says Dr. Gary Nelson, President of Tyndale University College & Seminary.
The TIM Centre’s 20th anniversary commemorative book “From the Margins to the Centre” is the first of a number of books expected to be published under the new imprint. The newly formed editorial board will be inviting project proposals for those interested in publishing with Tyndale Academic Press.