Sharon Khan: “Every Student has Potential”

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tyndale has created a new position in the office of the Registrar. Sharon Khan’s new role as the Registration Officer – Academic Support, provides Tyndale students with professional advice and support in achieving their academic goals. Sharon will be working with a broad range of students; from those who are facing academic probation to students in general who are in need of academic support. Whether students need help with grasping course information, developing effective study habits, communicating with their professors, or just navigating through their program and picking classes, she will be assessing each students needs and offering solutions for their academic success.

Her role is to be both an advisor and teacher. On top of meeting with students 1-on-1, she will be teaching a course this year in partnership with Tyndale’s Athletics Director, Louizandre Dauphin, called “Academic Achievement Strategies.” This is a redesigned course “that encompasses more than just developing good study habits, but extends into the formative aspects of life, including seeing the value in education and finding satisfaction in that process,” states Sharon. The course will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00pm to 5:20pm, and counts for 3-credit hours.

“One of the primary goals of the class is for students to find out what kind of learner they are,” says Sharon. “The education system is set up in a very sequential manner, and some students may respond to this differently.” She hopes to come alongside students in a cooperative way, which includes helping them “set realistic expectations” and working with them to meet their agreed upon goals.

Sharon is keen on designing support materials for each unique student who visits her, since every student’s needs and circumstances are different.  Of course, one resource she will utilize is technology. “There’s a lot of software available to help students academically. What’s nice about technology based assistance is that it’s engaging for students and taps into things like ‘apps,’ which students are already familiar with.”

Although technology can be very useful for some, it can also pose a challenge for others. According to recent statistics, students ages 50+ make up 26% of Tyndale’s Seminary and 7% of the University College. Many of these students, after being out of school for years, may find it more difficult to navigate technology based learning assistance. Sharon’s approach – just like her approach to all students – is to help these students learn from where they are most comfortable, no matter what kind of learner they are or what generation they grew up in.

“Every student has potential; it may just be in different places,” says Sharon. In many ways, her job is to help them find out where their potential is and how to utilize this potential as they navigate through the journey of learning.


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