Serving God Somewhere New

Thursday, May 12, 2016

“God has given us the last [few] years here to grow intellectually, to learn how to love Him more – to soak up truth, knowledge and His compassion like a sponge so that we can now spread those to a broken world that needs to know Him,” said Brent Bonvanie [BA Hons. English], graduating student speaker at the 2016 Spring University College Graduation. “Remember what you’ve learned, celebrate the good and enjoy that you’re now free to serve God somewhere new.”

A total of 63 graduates were celebrated on May 7, 2016 in the Tyndale chapel. The Graduation Address was given by Dr. Ian Gentles, Distinguished Professor of History, who spoke on why history matters in a school like Tyndale. Listen to the full audio of the addresses from Dr. Gentles and Brent Bonvanie, and view photos from the day below.


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