Seminary Faculty Updates

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Tyndale Seminary faculty members are sharing their experience and expertise across a diverse range of academic disciplines. The following are some recent contributions from faculty members:

Dr. Ron Kydd, Associate Professor of Church History, spoke at the 5th International Conference on Jingjiao, Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia in Salzburg, Austria. His presentation, titled “More Light on Dunhuang Christianity”, expanded on Dr. Kydd’s trip to China in 2014. While he was there he was shown a bronze cross found in one of the seven hundred caves excavated between the fourth and the fourteenth century on an oasis on the ancient Silk Roads. More specifically, Dr. Kydd’s paper focuses on the historical significance of this find.

Dr. Dennis Ngien, Professor of Systematic Theology presented his lecture “Let the Fire of Mission Burn” at the Centre for Mentorship and Theological Reflection in June. The event was hosted by the Centre for Mentorship and Theological Reflection, which Dr. Ngien is founder. His book The Golden Art of Faith; Luther’s Christology in John’s Gospel has been contracted with Fortress Press in the US. He also conducted research at Oxford University from February 28 until March 8.

Dr. Barbara Leung Lai, Professor of Old Testament, has been invited to present her paper at the 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Global Innovation in Beijing this summer. She has also been serving as a manuscript reviewer for the Fudan Journal of the Social Sciences and the Humanities since January.

Professor Kevin Livingston, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry, presented at the Forum on Human Sexuality, where Presbyterian pastors and church leaders gathered to discuss the current position of the church on this matter. Prof. Livingston’s presentation was titled “Welcoming but not Affirming; The Status of LGBT Persons in the Presbyterian Church in Canada”.

Dr. James Pedlar, Assistant Professor of Wesley Studies and Theology, preached at the Toronto School of Theology’s ecumenical service in January, marking the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. He also partnered with Dr. Van Johnson and Master’s Pentecostal Seminary in hosting the Wesleyan-Pentecostal Symposium: The Role of Experience in Theology in March. Dr. Pedlar’s plenary address explored three Wesleyan figures who were active at the time Pentecostalism was being born.



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