Rev. Sam Chan Appointed as Head of Pastoral and Chinese Ministry Program

Monday, June 6, 2016

***Please scroll down for Chinese translation***

Tyndale Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. Dr. Sam Chan to head the Pastoral and Chinese Ministry program, effective July 1, 2016. Rev. Chan will assume a two-fold mandate of providing leadership to the current Chinese Ministry program, while helping to envision a new future for ministry preparation at Tyndale. This will involve exploring an integrated approach aimed at training a new generation of intercultural ministry leaders to serve the vibrantly diverse church that characterizes faith in the 21st century.

“Tyndale recognized the need for Rev. Sam Chan, a person with deep understanding of the changing landscape of the Chinese church in Canada, with teaching experience and ministry expertise, and with skills at building networks between the seminary and the church,” said Dr. Gary Nelson, President of Tyndale University College & Seminary. “Most of all, Tyndale needs someone with passion for raising up a new generation of leaders for the Chinese and multicultural church.”

For over 30 years, Rev. Chan has served as the Senior Pastor of Richmond Hill Christian Community Church (RHCCC), one of the largest churches in Toronto. He is widely known and highly regarded for his work in leading RHCCC from its roots as an ethnic Chinese church into a flourishing multicultural, multilingual, multigenerational missional church. 

Along with his call to church ministry, Rev. Chan is committed to equipping the next generation of pastors and leaders. He has taught courses at Tyndale on an adjunct basis since 1994. In this new chapter as head of the Chinese Ministry program, he will combine part-time work at Tyndale with continuing service to RHCCC.

“I thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve in the Pastoral and Chinese Ministry (PCM) program at Tyndale,” says Rev. Chan. “I hope to offer my leadership and coordinating efforts through mentoring students, encouraging church leaders and teaching how to build healthy churches. Above all, I hope to help to envision and implement an integrated program to equip a new generation of intercultural ministry leaders to serve locally and globally.”

Tyndale’s English-language Pastoral and Chinese Ministry program, launched in 1998, has a remarkable record of educating effective leaders for the Chinese church in Canada, North American and around the world. For nearly 20 years, Dr. Barbara Leung Lai led the program with dedication and distinction. She will retire at the end of June, 2016, and continue to serve at Tyndale with the title Research Professor of the Old Testament.



天道神學院院長 Gary Nelson 説:「天道深感陳牧師正適合這崗位,他非常了解加拿大華人教會的演變,且有教導經驗及事工專長,又擅於與神學院及教會聯繫。最重要的是,天道需要一位熱衷於培育新一代領袖的人來帶領華人教會及多元文化教會。」






天道是跨宗派的基督教大學及神學院,於加拿大安省登記註冊。五十六畝的新校舍位於多市北 Bayview Avenue。天道來自各族各方的學生,投入以信仰為背景的全面大專教育課程。天道大學提供大學學位課程,裝備學生從事專業,或繼續進修。天道神學院為廿一世紀信徒領袖提供碩士及博士學位的神學研究院課程。





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