Jan. 2021 - Tyndale faculty book launches

Jan. 2021 - Tyndale faculty book launches

Tyndale University campus

The Tyndale community celebrates the accomplishments of faculty who are a part of Tyndale Seminary and Canadian Chinese School of Theology on their recent book publications.

Rebecca Idestrom contributed to The Book of the Twelve: A Pentecostal Commentary, in which she wrote commentaries for Habakkuk and Zephaniah from a distinctively Pentecostal perspective.

Constructing Christian Education (1): Theories

Anthony Chow, Peter Au, and Mable Au wrote Constructing Christian Education (1): Theories (建構基督教教育(一):理念篇), which is the first of a three-book series on Christian Education for Chinese churches.

Jurgen Moltmann’s Theology of Hope

Peter Au wrote Jurgen Moltmann’s Theology of Hope (loosely translated from 莫尔特曼希望神学省思), which provides an exposition and evaluation of Moltmann’s theology.

Congratulations Rebecca Idestrom, Anthony Chow, Peter Au, and Mable Au!