Food For Thought Helps Students Refresh During Exams

Monday, December 16, 2013

This semester exams were a little less stressful for Tyndale students. That’s because Student Life, the Alumni Office, and the University College and Seminary Student Councils partnered to host a Food For Thought drop-in to help students refresh and relax during exam week. Students were treated to free beverages and an assortment of snacks, encouraging conversation, and a warm smile from event hosts.

Joyce Munga from the Alumni office states that the purpose of the event was to “let Tyndale students know that we support them and are thinking of them and praying for them as they write their final exams and papers.”

Food for thought

The university’s Food For Thought drop-in took place on December 6 and 7, from 10:30 am – 1:30 pm. Zach Edwards, University College Student Council President, was there to cheer on his fellow students. Knowing the pressure students face this time of year, one thing he says students sometimes forget to do is eat. “Comical as it may be, some students forget to eat because they become so engrossed in what they are studying. We just wanted to safeguard against that and bless students as they go through this stressful time.”

The seminary’s Food For Thought drop-in was held on December 10 and 11, from 11:00 am – 1:30 pm. Arleen Gomez, Seminary Student Council President, saw how cared for students felt as they were treated to a free hot beverage and a healthy snack. “I love these partnerships. I feel like this is what Tyndale is all about; partnering with each other to serve and bless the student body.”

This is the first year Alumni, Student Life and the student councils partnered to host these events. Students are now on Christmas break and will be returning to school on January 6, 2014.


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