Faith and Doubt Symposium at Tyndale University College & Seminary
“I think it’s natural for believers to go through periods of doubt,” says Dr. Paul Franks, Associate Professor of Philosophy. Faith, doubt and their relationship have been questioned and debated for centuries.
Are faith and doubt related? There are many different perspectives and theories. For example, some argue that faith and doubt are completely separate. When someone questions what they believe it can be seen as a weakness in their trust in Christ. Others suggest that both are necessary in the Christian life. Skepticism and questioning can help us gain a strong foundation in our faith and grow in our trust and obedience.
Do you ever stop doubting? Some argue yes, one day you will stop questioning. As you grow in your relationship with Christ, you will learn to trust him more. At some point that trust will be absolute and uncertainty will no longer be needed. Others disagree. They claim that your trust grows in certain areas of your life as you mature in your faith. But there are other opportunities to grow as new doubts arise. This is what keeps you moving forward and learning as a Christian.
These are the type of questions and arguments that will be presented at the Symposium on Faith and Doubt hosted by the Tyndale Philosophy Department on March 10, 2016, thanks to a grant from the Society of Christian Philosophers. The presenters will be guest philosophers from Chicago, Texas, Vancouver and Toronto. Dr. Franks believes that “this is an opportunity to figure out your response. Even for those who come and end up not agreeing with any of the presenters, it will still be a useful exercise to think about how faith relates to doubt and how doubt relates to faith.”
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