Celebrating 125 Years

Celebrate Tyndale’s 125th milestone with a gift to support a cause close to your heart. Whether it’s helping subsidize a student’s education, leaving a gift behind in your name, or contributing to future development plans, your giving helps Tyndale equip students to transform the world.

Tyndale Fund

The Tyndale Fund is a vehicle used to help students achieve their dreams and goals. Your contribution makes a direct impact today by supporting Tyndale programs, faculty, staff, activities and infrastructure. With your support, the next generation is equipped with disciplined minds, transformed characters and passionate faith.

The Tyndale Fund needs to reach $1.5-million by April 30, 2020.

Impact Through Education Grants

Recent changes to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) criteria have made it difficult for Tyndale students to access the necessary funds for their education. Impacting both Seminary and University students, some are unsure they will be able to continue in the year ahead or will likely incur more debt to complete their studies.

The new Impact Through Education Grants created by Tyndale are aimed to help students affected by these OSAP changes. An additional $225,000 is needed this year to fund these grants, which range from $500 to $750 per student.

The Alister E. McGrath Chair of Christian Thought and Spirituality

You are invited to be part of a vision to establish an endowed Chair at Tyndale Seminary in honour of internationally acclaimed theologian, scholar and Christian apologist, Alister E. McGrath.

The title, “Alister E. McGrath Chair of Christian Thought and Spirituality,” is used to capture the twin foci of the Chair, the interface of Christian thought and spirituality. This interface is a key theme in McGrath’s scholarship and is foundational to the educational ethos at Tyndale Seminary.

To fully support the endowed chair, $2-million is needed.

Capital Campaign

An institution and a movement must be rooted in a place. We are grateful to God for the Tyndale campus. It is a place of beauty in its architecture and landscaping. Its location is easily accessible for students and church leaders in the Greater Toronto Area. The new campus enables Tyndale to be a creative centre of innovative ways to make faith relevant to society.

Tyndale is currently engaged in a capital campaign to raise funding that continues to transform the Bayview campus into a fully functional, modern higher education environment.

Thank you for all you do in prayer, encouragement and giving. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can help Tyndale today.