Dr. W.L. Alan Fung

Dr. W.L. Alan Fung

Research Professor


Dr. Fung is a physician board-certified in the specialties of psychiatry (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada), sleep medicine (American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology), and behavioral neurology & neuropsychiatry (United Council of Neurologic Subspecialties, USA). He is an Attending Physician at North York General Hospital, and chairs the Research Ethics Board of the Hospital. He is also a Consultant Psychiatrist at the Tyndale Counselling Services. He has strong clinical and academic interests in the cultural and spiritual dimensions of mental health and services - including the interface between spirituality/religion and mental health and illness, as well as partnerships between mental health and faith communities in promoting mental health. 

Some examples of his international involvements in the field of spirituality/religion and mental health include serving as the Secretary of the Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) International Congress in Spirituality and Psychiatry (December 2019); as the Secretary of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Caucus on Spirituality, Religion and Psychiatry; as a Board Member of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Section on Religion, Spirituality and Psychiatry; as a Steering Committee Member of the Mental Health and Faith Community Partnership in the United States since 2014; and as an Advisory Board Member of the Conference on Medicine and Religion (USA). 

In Canada, he is a founding member of the Toronto-based Working Group for the Promotion of Mental Health in Faith Communities, and has been involved in various endeavours promoting dialogues between mental health and spiritual care professionals. He also serves on the Board of the Living Water Counselling Centre in Toronto. 

A Co-Editor of the book “Ethical Considerations at the Intersection of Psychiatry and Religion” (Oxford University Press, 2018) and Principal Investigator of research projects related to spirituality and mental health in the Christian and Muslim communities in Canada, Dr. Fung is also a faculty member at the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine and Collaborative Program in Neuroscience. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada (in Psychiatry), as well as of the American Psychiatric Association.

Faculty Publications

Academic Credentials

ScD, Harvard University 
SM, Harvard University 
MD, University of Toronto 
MPhil, University of Cambridge 
BSc, University of Toronto 
Certificate in Theology and Ministry, Princeton Theological Seminary

Areas of Specialization

Cultural and spiritual dimensions of mental health and psychotherapy; partnerships between mental health and faith communities; mental health promotion; interprofessional collaborations and education; medical humanities (especially ethics and education); neuropsychiatric epidemiology and genetics; neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative and sleep disorders.