Dr. Vivette Henry

Dr. Vivette Henry

Assistant Professor of Psychology


Dr. Henry has worked in the mental health arena for over 16 years, and was educated in Jamaica, the United States, and Canada. She brings a wealth of clinical experience in the fields of psychology, counselling, and education.

In her role as Consultant Clinical Psychologist/Psychotherapist at Edgewater Medical Center (Jamaica), she attended to patients/clients from across the island with diverse mental health and life adjustment needs. Dr. Henry has also coordinated the Counselling/Evangelism Ministry and Leadership Training at Havenhill Baptist Church (Jamaica) since 2001. As an educator committed to transformation and empowerment, Dr. Henry has played a significant role as team member in designing and delivering training in lay-counselling, evangelism, discipleship, and leadership to church leaders and workers within Havenhill Baptist Church and other evangelical church communities.

As a trained Clinical Psychologist and Counsellor Educator, Dr. Henry has instructed Master’s and Doctoral level students in the fields of counselling and psychology in her role as Adjunct Lecturer at the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology and the International University of the Caribbean in Jamaica. Her own doctoral research reflects her interests in wellness and trauma. It explored the experiences of physically abused Jamaican females by their intimate male partners.

Dr. Henry is also a motivational speaker, workshop facilitator, and conference presenter (national and international). She has been a conference presenter for the Independent Baptist Women’s Fellowship in Jamaica for more than a decade.

Dr. Henry is married to Austin, with whom she has two children. Her hobbies include horticulture and interior decorating.

Academic Credentials

PhD, Regent University, 2014 
MA, Clinical Psychology, Wheaton College, 2007 
BA, Jamaica Theological Seminary, 2001

Areas of Specialization

Evangelism and Discipleship; Clinical/Therapeutic Approaches in Mental Health and Wellness, Counsellor Education, Trauma, Domestic Violence/Abuse, and Marriage and Family Therapy