Dr. Rebecca Idestrom

Dr. Rebecca Idestrom
Professor of Old Testament
Dr. Idestrom joined the faculty of Tyndale Seminary in 2001, after having taught at Summit Pacific College (formerly WPBC) in Abbotsford, BC for five years. Besides having taught summer courses at Tyndale Seminary prior to joining the core faculty, she has done adjunct teaching at Wycliffe College in Toronto, Regent College, ACTS Seminary and Trinity Western University in Langley, BC. Her most recent book Show Me Your Glory: The Glory of God in the Old Testament (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2023) demonstrates her interest in biblical theology. In addition, Idestrom has authored commentaries on Habakkuk and Zephaniah in The Book of the Twelve, edited by John Christopher Thomas (Leiden: Brill, 2020), and published her doctoral dissertation, entitled From Biblical Theology to Biblical Criticism: Old Testament Scholarship at Uppsala University, 1866-1922 (Coniectanea Biblica Old Testament Series 47; Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 2000). She has also published a number of essays, articles and book reviews which have appeared in the Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, Didaskalia, Toronto Journal of Theology, The Pentecostal Testimony, Themelios, Hebrew Studies and in books of collected essays. In 2007, Idestrom was awarded the Research Scholar Award from the Centre of Mentorship and Theological Reflection in Toronto, and in 2004, the Mentoring Award from the SBL Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession at the Society of Biblical Literature Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Originally from Sweden, Rebecca Idestrom is also musical and enjoys singing.
Faculty Publications
- Show Me Your Glory: The Glory of God in the Old Testament (2023) (Book)
- Show Me Your Glory (Exod 33:18): An Exegetical Analysis of Moses’ Request in the Context of Exodus 32–34 (2021) (Article)
- “Habakkuk” and “Zephaniah” in the Book of Twelve (2020) (Commentary)
- Psalm 96: Declare His Glory Among the Nations (2014) (Article)
- Wordsworth, Elizabeth, Dame (1840-1932) (2012) (Article)
- Elizabeth Mary MacDonald: An Early Canadian Contribution to the Study of Women in the Ancient Near East (2010) (Article)
- Echoes of the Book of Exodus in Ezekiel (2009) (Article)
- Deborah: A Role Model for Christian Public Ministry (2007) (Article)
- Elizabeth Wordsworth: Nineteenth Century Oxford Principal and Bible Interpreter (2007) (Article)
- From Biblical Theology to Biblical Criticism: Old Testament Scholarship at Uppsala University, 1866-1922 (2000) (Book)
- The Rise of the Historical Critical Method in Sweden (1997) (Article)
Academic Credentials
PhD, University of Sheffield, 1996
MRel, Wycliffe College, Toronto, 1990
BA, University of Toronto, 1987
BTh, Central Pentecostal College, 1985
Areas of Specialization
Old Testament, Biblical Hebrew, History of Biblical Interpretation, Prophets, Biblical Theology