Dr. Genie Kim

Dr. Genie Kim

Associate Professor of Education


Genie has extensive teaching experience in the public and private school systems, within both elementary and high school panels. Her time as a teacher was predominantly spent in TDSB’s inner-city schools, where she had the opportunity to work with marginalized and disadvantaged students.

Genie’s doctoral dissertation focused on effective mathematics pedagogy. Her greatest passions are in the areas of inclusive pedagogy, social justice, effective teacher praxes, mentorship, and servant-leadership. She aims to empower future teachers to become transformational agents of change within education.

Faculty Publications

Academic Credentials

PhD, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, 2017 
MEd, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, 2013 
BEd, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, 2000 
BSc (Honours), University of Toronto, 1996

Areas of Specialization

Mathematics Pedagogy, Classroom Management, and Teacher Education