Module 6: Enneagram and Discernment

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    • Tyndale Spiritual Formation Centre
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Module 6: Enneagram and Discernment

Discernment is a crucial part of our spiritual formation, and a crucial part of walking in the will of God. However, many Christians struggle with discernment, in part because we simply aren’t sure how to do it in a way that makes sense. Complicating matters is the fact that not everyone experiences discernment in the same way; we are all wired differently, and methods of discernment that work for one person might be frustrating or ineffective for another. The Enneagram is a wonderful tool to help us understand ourselves better, and how we might connect with God better, thus aiding in our discernment process.

Learning Objectives:

  • Why discernment is so crucial to spiritual formation
  • Why self-awareness is so crucial to effective discernment
  • How the Enneagram can aid us in our self-awareness, and therefore our discernment
  • How the various Enneagram types can approach discernment in a way that is meaningful for their type  

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Chris Walker

Chris Walker

D.Min., Certified Enneagram Teacher

Dr. Chris Walker is the Lead Pastor of Meadow Brook Church, a Mennonite Brethren congregation in Leamington, ON. His doctoral work focused on discernment, self-awareness, and the role that both play in spiritual formation, and he is certified in Myers-Briggs as well as Enneagram Spectrum Method. He is passionate about making discernment more accessible for the people of God, and about encouraging people in their unique spiritual journey with Jesus.