Module 5: Three Centred Growth
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View all EventsModule 5: Three Centred Growth
Much of our work with the Enneagram focuses on understanding our type and developing ways to be less defended, to be less often thinking, feeling and behaving on automatic. There are other complimentary and critical ways to work as well.
We have 3 centres of intelligence: head, heart and body. Each centre holds a wisdom unique to that centre. To be fully ourselves, we need to have access to all of our centres, all of our wisdom, to live as the being, the sacred being that we truly are. But the wisdom, especially of our dominant centre, the centre of our greatest gifts, is hijacked by our type’s patterns: the head for head centres, the heart for heart centres ad the body knowing for body centres. And so, we need to be able to open into all of our centres to help us shift our patterning.
On this day, we will explore how to open to and listen to the wisdom of all our centres - as part of the path to integrating them into our living.
Learning Objectives:
- To improve your understanding of how type can limit our ability to access our wisdom.
- To have a greater appreciation for the distinct wisdom of each of our centres
- To begin to learn how to work yourself in order to have freer access to your gifts and your wisdom.

Sue Guttenstein
PhD. Certified Enneagram Teacher
Sue Guttenstein is a student of the Narrative Tradition, has co-taught the Enneagram with Cynthia for serval years and has used the Enneagram professionally as a psychotherapist. Her focus has been helping survivors of severe childhood trauma heal and regain their lives.