The Tyndale Centre for Grief and Loss invites you to join us for the second annual Embracing Grief With Hope Conference featuring Dr. Bill Hoy, Pastor, Presenter, Counsellor, Educator and clinical professor of Medical Humanities at Baylor University.

Dr. William G. Hoy
With 40 years of experience in hospice, congregation, bereavement center, and university, William G. (Bill) Hoy recently retired (18 years) as a Clinical Professor of Medical Humanities at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Prior to his move, Dr. Hoy directed the counselling programs for Pathways Volunteer Hospice in Long Beach, California, a post he held for nearly 17 years. He is widely-acclaimed speaker on issues related to death, end-of-life care, bereavement, and funerals.
Tuesday, April 22nd | 7 pm - 9 pm
Evening session, 7 pm - 9pm:
One of the most difficult experiences for bereaved individuals is dealing with the expectations of grief. Sometimes, well-meaning friends offer unhelpful comments like, “Wow, it’s been so long; aren’t you over this yet?” As bereaved people, we often wonder if we are, in fact, not doing this right. This workshop will offer helpful guidance about reasonable expectations for grief “recovery,” both to bereaved people and those who care for them.
Wednesday, April 23rd | 9 am - 4 pm
All Day Event
Morning session, 9 am - noon:
If the last thing you learned about grief was Kubler-Ross’ five stages, we have great news! There are great new ideas about how grief works and how it affects individuals, families, and communities. Knowing the latest about grief is especially important for healthcare clinicians, educators, clergy, and anyone who regularly interacts with hurting people. In this workshop, we make the latest research findings intensely practical and fill the entire experience with challenging cases and ideas for positive interventions with be reaved people. Though bereavement is, to be sure, some science and some art, this workshop addresses the emerging challenges to make sense of all the noise about such things as grief stages, pro longed grief disorder, and complicated mourning.
Afternoon session, 1 pm - 4 pm:
Every caregiving professional knows well the importance of assessing the significance of faith community involvement in a dying or bereaved individual’s experience. We become unsure about how to proceed with the information we discover. What big questions do people face about death, loss, and grief? Can I engage in spiritual conversations with clients/patients when I am not a chap lain? How do spiritual issues interface with the best biomedical and psychosocial care? How can I help individuals find a pathway to spiritual discovery without “proselytizing?”