Children's Ministry Course 3
Children's Ministry Course 3
Event Details
View all EventsThis certificate program is comprised of 3 independent courses rooted in biblical teachings and child development and one Intercultural Competency course. Through lecturing, hands-on activities and small group projects, students will be introduced to the mission/vision of Children’s Ministry, practical application and creative approaches for responding to the spiritual needs of children and families in this fast-paced world.
Jointly offered by the Tyndale Intercultural Ministries (TIM) Centre and Blessing4CM Consulting Ministry!
Meet Your Teacher
Dr. Teresa Tong, the Founder and Consulting Children’s Pastor of BLESSING4CM Consulting Ministry (website:, graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary (USA) with a Doctor of Ministry degree in Family and Youth Ministry and a MDiv degree from Tyndale Seminary, majoring in Pastoral and Children’s Ministry. She served as a Children’s Pastor in Richmond Hill Christian Community Church for years. With over 40 years of ministry experience, she is now focusing on mentoring children’s pastors and training ministry leaders both locally and oversea, as well as delivering parenting seminars and leading joint family worship for all age groups in many churches. She delivers courses at Tyndale & CCST 加神 Seminary and ABSCC (the Alliance Bible Seminary Centre of Canada) and serves in the Committee of TCEMF (Toronto Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship) and on the Board of TCCPA (Toronto Chinese Christian Parenting Association) and Scripture Union. She is a popular speaker for conferences, systematic teachers training series, leadership retreats, radio interviews as well as publishing journals and hosting city-wide special programs for children. She has led many short-term mission teams to different parts of the world (Cambodia, Myanmar, Africa, Macedonia, Romania, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, China).
湯邱佩華博士創辦培恩4CM (Blessing4CM) 家庭/兒童事工發展中心,為顧問傳道 (網站:。畢業於美國Fuller 神學院博士系(家庭/青少年事工) ,並為天道神學院道學碩士(教牧與兒童事工)。湯博士有四十多年的事工經驗,曾為城北華人基督教會傳道,多年帶領其兒童事工。現為顧問傳道,專心牧養/輔導各教會及宣教工場的兒童牧者及事工領袖,並為天道神學院、加神神學院及建道中心講師、多倫多華人福音教牧同工團契職員、多倫多基督徒華人親子會及 Scripture Union 董事,經常主持領袖退修會、硏討會、同工培訓、大型兒童節目/親子講座/專欄文章/電台訪問,主領家庭主日聯合祟拜(包括各年齡層),並多次帶領團隊到世界各地貧困地區作短宣事工(柬埔寨、緬甸、非洲、馬其頓、羅馬尼亞、寮國、越南、泰國、中國)。
Certificates Available:
Basic Certificate: Any two courses plus the Intercultural Competency Course
Advanced Certificate: All three courses plus the Intercultural Competency Course
- Effective Large Group Communication
- Supporting Single-Parent Families
- Family-Church Partnership
- Outreach Ministry and VBS
- Evaluating and Implementing New Curriculum
- Leading Children/Youth Program in Short-Term Mission
- Organization and Administration for Supporting Children’s Ministry
Class Schedule:
- Feb 3
- Feb10
- Feb 24
- Mar 3
- Mar 10
- Mar 17
- Mar 24
- Mar 31
*Avoiding Feb 17 Family Day weekend