Practicum in Psycho-Social Health and Health Determinants

Practicum in Psycho-Social Health and Health Determinants

HEAL 493 — 3 Credit Hours

A capstone requirement in the Health & Human Services with a Minor in Psychology program at Tyndale. All program candidates must complete a semester-long minimum of 120 practicum hours (a minimum of 10 hours per week) in a preferred Social Determinant of Health (SDOH) area. The Practicum provides students with a vibrant and transformative context for integrating the theoretical and practical elements of Psycho- Social Health and specific Health Determinant area. The Practicum has a formative aim in developing reflective and professional Health and Human Services leaders for service in a relevant, related area. Through engagement in real-world supervised placements, students are provided with opportunities to work alongside experienced mentors to develop professional competencies, to set and meet individualized learning goals, and to clarify and confirm their gifts and calling. Prerequisites: HEAL 301, 391 Permission required

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