Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form

Distinguished Alumni | Nomination Form

Nominee Requirements

  • Reflect exemplary Christian character, one whose life is marked by intellectual maturity, spiritual vigor and moral integrity.
  • Have demonstrated excellence in his/her vocation.

Undergraduate Nominee

Be an undergraduate alumnus of: Tyndale University, Toronto Bible College (TBC), London Bible Institute (LBI), London College of Bible and Missions (LCBM), and Ontario Bible College (OBC).

Seminary & Graduate Nominee

Be a seminary or graduate studies alumnus of Tyndale University or OTS.



Describe your relationship to the nominee

Nominee Criteria
Award Type

The year that the nominee graduated.

Alumnus Type
Nomination Questions
How does the nominee demonstrate Christian character in their life and mission, showcasing intellectual maturity, spiritual vigor, and moral integrity that sets them apart?
What significant impact has the nominee made in their vocation? Please provide details highlighting their demonstrated excellence.

Upload reference documents of the nominee's outstanding contribution. ie. Letter of recommendation, articles, awards etc.

One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.