Bachelor of Religious Education (BRE)

Bachelor of Religious Education (BRE) |

The Bachelor of Religious Education (BRE) is a recognized ministry-focused undergraduate degree that provides a broad academic knowledge base grounded in scripture and theology. This degree is designed to prepare students for ministry in the local church, para-church organizations or missions. This is an excellent degree for those already in ministry or for those planning to become involved in ministry. Discover how to integrate faith, learning and everyday life in a meaningful and practical way as you study the Bible and explore how to become more effective in ministry and in the workplace.

Estimated Time to complete

3 years | 90 Credit Hours

Adult learners have the option to complete the BRE degree in the modular format in 4 years (or 2 years with initial transfer credits).


Field Education

Students will complete Field Education placements in a ministry setting.


Students in the BRE must declare a focus and may choose from three foci. 

Modular Format for Adult Learners

Tyndale also offers the Bachelor of Religious Education (BRE) degree with a focus in General Ministries in a modular format, a recognized undergraduate degree fully approved by the Province of Ontario. Study full-time while continuing to fulfill other life commitments.

For adult learners
25 years and older

Modular format 
– one course at a time

Evening classes 
– one night a week

– study in a group with other adult learners

Degree Completion Program

With Initial Transfer Credit

Students with initial transfer credit to Tyndale will be enrolled into the Degree Completion Program.

Estimated time to complete: 2 years       
Total credit hours: 90 including transfer credits

Specific Entrance Requirements

  • Applicants must be 25 years or older.

  • Applicants must have served two or more years in a local church or para-church ministry in some lay or professional ministry.

  • Applicants must have completed at least one year of accredited transferable university or college credit with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above.

  • Requires initial transfer of between 30-42 credit hours.

Modular Program

No Initial Transfer Credit

Students who do not have any initial transfer credit to Tyndale will be enrolled into the Modular Program.

Estimated time to complete: 4 years     
Total credit hours: 90

Specific Entrance Requirements

  • Applicants must be 25 years or older.

  • Applicants must have served two or more years in a local church or para-church ministry in some lay or professional ministry.

Modular Format

Students complete one course (module) at a time for five consecutive weeks and participate in guided independent study. A one-week break follows after each course. Courses run year-round from fall through summer.

Cohort Community

Each student entering the BRE degree in the modular format will join a cohort of other modular students. A cohort is a group of adult learners who start the program at the same time, move through the program together, and take the same courses at the same time.

Research and Ministry Portfolio

In addition to completing a ministry portfolio for Field Education, students will complete a Directed Research Project comprised of academic instruction and individual advising by a qualified professional. Students will choose from one of the following areas of interest: Educational Ministries, Intercultural Studies, Pastoral Studies or Youth Ministry.

Commitment Expectations

Students will be expected to attend all classes and contribute through small group discussions and seminar presentations. Pre-recorded lecture material will be available outside of class time so that much of the class time will be dedicated to discussion, group work, or interactive problem solving. Outside of class time, students can expect to spend 14–18 hours per week on listening to lecture material, supplemental readings and written course assignments.