What is WC Online?

What is WC Online? at the Centre for Academic Excellence

NOTE: Continuing our commitment to provide quality assistance to our students and support our course delivery this semester, the Centre for Academic Excellence will have virtual and in-person service options available. Writing and Tutoring Services will be open on campus on Monday-Thursday, with virtual services available Monday-Friday. For more information, or to book an appointment, please visit WC Online.

WC Online is the online booking service for Writing and Tutoring Services and Academic Advising and Career Services. Appointments with these services are available to all currently active Tyndale students. If this is your first time booking with us, please read on for booking instructions. Otherwise, you can book now

1) Log into classes.tyndale.ca. Select the “Appointments” button inside the “Writing & Tutoring Services/ Academic Advising & Career Services” box on your dashboard. 

a screenshot of classes.tyndale.ca. An arrow points to the "Appointments" button in the "Writing & Tutoring Services / Academic Advising & Career Services" box on the right side of the page.

2) You will see a section for “Writing and Tutoring Services” and a section for “Academic Advising and Career Services.” Click the “Book an Appointment” button for the type of appointment you are looking for. NOTE: If these buttons do not appear for you, contact us at the provided email addresses.

3) Use the weekly calendar. Once logged in, you will be able to book your appointment with a Writing and Tutoring Services Consultant or with Academic Advising and Career Services. (NOTE: If this is your first time accessing WC Online, you will have to complete a short registration form before you can book). 

Navigate between service calendars by selecting the correct department in the “Schedules” drop-down in the top menu.

The main WC Online booking page. An arrow points to the "Schedules" dropdown in the top menu.

4) Select which week you want to book. Use the “Current Week”, “Previous Week”, or “Next Week” buttons to see what times and dates are available to book each week. The small calendar beside “Next Week” can also be used for faster navigation. (NOTE: Students may book appointments up to 4 weeks in advance. The calendar will begin on the current date by default).

a closer view of the buttons used to change the date range that the calendar shows. Arrows point to the "Previous Week," "Next Week" and mini calendar (shown open on right) buttons.

5) Narrow what appointment availabilities are shown by using the three “Display Options” dropdowns. You can narrow by which Consultant you want to work with, whether you want a Writing Consultation or Tutoring appointment, and whether you want a Face-to-Face or Teams Video Call appointment.

a closer look at the "Display Options" dropdowns on WC Online. The third drop down is open, revealing options for "Face-to-Face" appointments and "Teams Video Call" appointments.

6) Select an open (white) time slot. Grey slots are unavailable and blue slots are already booked. Please note that appointments must be booked at least twelve hours in advance of the appointment start time.

a screenshot of a booking calendar on WC Online. Sample booked and unbooked time slots are shown for various Consultants on various dates. An arrow points to an unbooked time slot.

7) Complete the "Create New Appointment" form that opens when you click an open timeslot. First, confirm the time range. For 30-minute appointments, you can leave the time frame as is. But for 1-hour appointments (recommended), select the correct end time from the dropdown. You can also read the Consultants profile here.

a screenshot of the top of our "Create New Appointment" form. Arrows point to the Consultant bio and the open "end time range" dropdown.

Then, fill out the rest of the form so your consultant will be better prepared to assist you. Let us know your course information, assignment instructions, citation style, and kind of support desired. You can also attach a document to review with your Consultant (recommended). Click the “Create Appointment” button to finalize your booking.

a screenshot of the bottom of our "Create New Appointment" form. The various dropdowns and boxes that students need to fill in to book are shown. An arrow points to the "Create Appointment" button used to confirm your booking.

You will know that your appointment has been booked properly because the open time slot you previously selected will now be yellow. You will also receive a confirmation email at your myTyndale address.

a screenshot of a booking calendar on WC Online. Sample booked and unbooked time slots are shown for various Consultants on various dates. An arrow points to a yellow time slot, which signifies a time slot that you have booked.

8) To attach a file, edit, or cancel your appointment, click on your yellow time slot, and then click the appropriate button at the bottom of the window that opens. PLEASE NOTE that all appointments must cancelled with at least 5 hours’ notice to avoid a strike as per our Late Cancellation Policy.

a screenshot of the bottom of the window that opens when you click on an appointment you have already booked. It shows off the "Attach File," "Edit Appointment," "Cancel Appointment," "Print," and "Close" buttons.



9) Attend your appointment. If your appointment is on campus, come to Room E304. If your appointment is over video call, log into Microsoft Teams using your myTyndale credentials at the date and time of your appointment and look out for a "Chat" message from your Consultant. (If you are having trouble accessing Teams, find out more here).

For information on cancellation and other policies, please see our Policies and Service Agreements page.

Book Now!

We look forward to working with you soon!